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Hơn 3 tháng chưa có tương tác mới tại địa điểm này, bạn hãy liên hệ để kiểm tra lại trước khi đến!
Cơm Chay Thanh Đạm

Cơm Chay Thanh Đạm

- Gia đình, Nhóm hội, Giới văn phòng
Giá cả
Chất lượng
Phục vụ
Vị trí
Không gian
Bình luận
Đang mở cửa  08:00 - 18:30
{{time.TimeOpen}} - {{time.TimeClose}}
Đang cập nhật
Tạm nghỉ {{time.Title}}
15.000đ - 25.000đ
Báo lỗi bình luận
Báo lỗi người dùng
  • Martin Kolner
    Martin Kolner
    đã bình luận bằng Web 18/08/2023 07:11:50,
    Excellent Food...Loved it!
    Ate 2 times in the last 2 days there. Really great selection of vegetarian food. There were 4 of us eating and all of us were really happy with the meals we ate. We got the standard meal and did not pick out anything else except for some spring rolls. Perfect blend of many of their choices though. 2 of us live in the USA and the other 2 are from Sapa*** There is so little Veggie food in the country so it was surprising to find this place. We are not vegetarians but appreciate something other than endless meat dishes when traveling. The service was great, the tea was very good and a Thermos full was there so we didn't have to pester anyone for more. Only one complaint: We went there last night for meal #3 and they were closed!! Should have paid attention to their closing time (6:30 PM).... We will go there again this morning but wait until they open!! ...Xem thêm
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