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Nhà Hàng Chay KIM SA - Bình Thạnh

- Gia đình, Nhóm hội, Giới văn phòng

- Chi nhánh

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Bình luận
Đang mở cửa  09:00 - 21:00
{{time.TimeOpen}} - {{time.TimeClose}}
Đang cập nhật
Tạm nghỉ {{time.Title}}
30.000đ - 200.000đ
Báo lỗi bình luận
Báo lỗi người dùng
  • Da Thao Tran
    Da Thao Tran
    đã bình luận bằng iPhone 13/12/2022 16:36:45,
    Amazing food!
    Their food has been consistently good! Especially the pork belly/fake pork. The first time I had it, it actually threw me off since I’m not used to such a realistic texture. The fatty parts of the fake meat mimiced real meat so well. The flavors are all pretty good here and I’d say my favorite dish is the pork and the pickled veg. The acidity helps cut through the richness of the fake meat. I would personally stay away from the salted fish fried rice! Its not bad, the flavor is fine, but it doesnt taste any different from your typical fried rice. If you’re getting any of the special rice options, I’d say go for the seaweed or garlic as they have better flavor. I recommend purchasing their fake meats! The cha lua chay is great and you can just barely tell the difference from a real cha lua. Tastes great when you make your own banh mi chay at home :) ...Xem thêm
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